Welcome to New Bloomfield Lions Club.

2006-07 NB Lions Dinner meeting program schedule;

April 9, 2007
Chuck Nyce

Chuck will share his story of going from a stone mason to a very successful business man.

May 14, 2007
Kate Morrow

Kate is the newly elected judge of the Perry & Juniata Courts.

June 11, 2007
Family Picnic

At Dan Paul's Pond Last year

All meetings start at 6:00 pm at New Bloomfield Christ Lutheran Church Parish House located on West High Street.

Thanks to CTI pa.net for all the help with this website.

2006-07 Lions
Raymond A. Adams
Frank Aungst
Curt Barber
Frank A. Belmont
Charles E. Berrier
Frank A. Briner Jr.
Ellis O. Brunner
Charles F. Chenot III
Douglas G. Davey
James R. Deimler
Francis DeNaro
Phillip L. Eckert
Warren A. Ely
James A. Foose
Alan K. Fry
Norman C.Harrison
Stephen K. Hege
Robert A. Hench
Reed E. Hoffman
Scott W. Hitesman
Carson E. R. Holman
Kim L. Hummel
Stanley R. Krammes
J. Richard Lamb
John "Mac" Long
Darwin G. McAllister
John K. McClellan
David C. McCluskey
Max E. Mohler
Nathan K. Mohler
George S. Murray Jr.
Matthew A. Nulton
Dan T. Paul
Robert D. Pluta
Herbert R. Robb
Bill Roman
John Sanderson Jr.
John P. Shinskie Jr.
S. Durbin Wagner
Tom Wolfe
Dwayne L. Womer

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Last Weekend To See
LCT's Kiss Me Kate.
Show Times:
Friday March 30 7:30pm.
Saturday March 31
2:00pm Matinee and 7:30pm.

West Perry High School Auditorium;

Fred Graham/Petruchio played by Rick Smiley attempts to tame the shrew by spanking "The Shrew" Lilli Vanessi/Katharine played by Cris Stambaugh and others into shape in preparation for LCT's production of Kiss Me Kate.

Shrew from Dictionary.com
1. An old word for an unpleasant woman with a violent temper and sharp tongue.
2. A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament; a scold.
3. A scolding nagging bad-tempered woman.
4. A woman of violent temper and speech; termagant.
5. Alternate O.E. word for it was scirfemus, from sceorfan "to gnaw." The meaning "peevish, malignant, clamorous, spiteful, vexatious, turbulent woman" [Johnson] is c.1386, from earlier sense of "spiteful person" (male or female), c.1250, traditionally said to derive from some supposed malignant influence of the animal, which was once believed to have a venomous bite and was held in superstitious dread. Shrewish "scolding" is from 1565, originally "wicked, evil" (1375).

Of course you can count on Gangster #2/Katharine’s Aide (Norm Harrison) and Gangster #1/Katharine’s Aide (John Sanderson) to stir up lots of hilarious trouble in LCT's Kiss Me Kate.

By Wilma Klingensmith

Baird Collins, the music director of the Lions Community Theatre, has been behind the music wand since Music Man (1995). He leads the voices of local Perry Countians who try out for parts in upcoming productions of LCT, and works with the musicians who will be a part of the orchestra for these productions. Every year, these singers and musicians watch carefully for the downstroke of Baird's music wand.

Baird was a music teacher until he retired in 1993. After receiving his bachelor's degree from Susquehanna University in 1958, he taught instrumental music to students, grades 1 through 12, at the Green Park Union School. When Green Park Union became a part of the new West Perry School District in 1964, Baird taught grades 7, 8, and 9, dividing his time between the junior high buildings in Blain and New Bloomfield. From 1972 to 1993, Baird taught elementary level instrumental music for the West Perry School District. Following his retirement, Baird started his own construction company, "Baird E. Collins, Custom Home Builder," in Loysville.

In 1994, the Lions Club of New Bloomfield asked Baird if he would be the music director for their upcoming production of Music Man. Every year after this successful production, they asked Baird if he would return to direct music for another one of their plays. Baird came back year after year and performed his magic, until he had a stroke at the beginning of the 2006 production of My Fair Lady. He kept up with the progress of the play from his home as he recovered. Baird could not be behind the music wand that year, but is back again with Lions Community Theatre, directing music for Kiss Me, Kate. Welcome back, Baird.

Charlie Berrier presented with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Lions Club Award for humanitarian service by Lions Club District Governor Pete Van Zandt

By John "Mac" Long

Charlie Berrier has hung up his hammer and saw as the man responsible for the set construction of the annual New Bloomfield Lions Club theater productions. Starting with the play Plaza Suite (1978), Charlie has been designing and building sets for over 28 years. His sets have been a major contributor to the success of Lions Community Theatre.

Recently, Charlie was presented the Melvin Jones Fellowship Lions Club Award for humanitarian service by Lions Club District Governor Pete Van Zandt at the New Bloomfield Lions Club. The Melvin Jones Fellowship Award is the highest possible award from Lions Club International. In addition to his volunteer work with the theater, he has been involved with Rainbow Girls for over 20 years and a member of Adam’s Lodge for 50 years. Additionally, he is the youth chairman of the 19th Masonic District and the President of the Shriner’s Past Master Club. He is a member of the stage crew of the Consistory at Harrisburg. Charlie served in the Army 1946-48 as an infantryman in South Korea, Soon after returning home, he joined the New Bloomfield VFW, where he has served on the VFW Honor Guard/Firing Squad since 1950. He is the current commander of the New Bloomfield VFW . Charlie has been a member of the New Bloomfield Lions Club for 33 years, and recently celebrated his 79th birthday.

Lions Community Theatre 2007

March 23, March 24, March 30, 7:30pm show time.
March 31, 2007 2:00pm Matinee and 7:30pm.

Synopsis of Play
The egotistical performer Fred Graham is reunited with his ex-wife Lilli Vanessi in the leading roles of Petruchio and Kate in Taming of the Shrew. Throughout the show they fight and obviously still love each other. Meanwhile, due to mistaken identity, two gangsters harass Fred. Also, two former cabaret performers cast in Taming of the Shrew, Lois Lane and Bill Calhoun struggle to keep their romance alive. Kiss Me Kate was written by Cole Porter in 1953.


“You don’t really have to know Shakespeare to enjoy “Kiss Me, Kate;” it’s a comedy!” says Kathy Miller of New Bloomfield, about the upcoming March production by Lions Community Theatre (LCT). She will play the bubbly, vivacious actress, Lois Lane, who has the Shakespearean role of Bianca in this “play-within-a-play.” Tyler McCarty, also of New Bloomfield, plays Kathy’s happy-go-lucky gambler boyfriend, and Lucentio in Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.” “True Shakespeare bores me,” he says, “but I would watch this.” To remove any potential confusion, “Kiss Me, Kate” is the story of a previously-married couple, Fred and Lilli (played by Rick Smiley and Cris Stambaugh), and their attempt to play lead roles in Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew,” in spite of their own tumultous relationship. Throw in Lois Lane and Bill Calhoun, with their inadvertant influence on things, and the antics of two gangster thugs, and the audience is in for an uproariously funny, musically entertaining ride. “It’s really fun to watch the fireworks of Fred and Lilli’s personal relationship come through in their onstage performances of Shakespearean characters,” says Tyler.

Both Kathy and Tyler have performed for LCT in the past. Kathy’s first primary role was Julie Gordon in “Carousel” (2001); this will be her eighth production with LCT. Tyler played ‘the Boy Next Door’ in “Meet Me in St. Louis” (2003), Perchik in “Fiddler on the Roof” (2005), and was also in last year’s “My Fair Lady.”

This time around, Tyler’s character, Bill Calhoun, is a carefree, light-on-responsibility gambler. “I don’t gamble, and I try to be responsible in my personal life,” asserts Tyler. However, he says it’s a fun character to play. The Shakespearean “Lucentio” is genuine and sincere, in direct contrast to Bill, and Tyler found that he had to really slow down to memorize Shakespeare’s 16th-century English. The musical number, “Too Darn Hot,” familiar to swing and jazz enthusiasts, is his favorite from the show. “I’m really enjoying working with this very talented, funny cast, and feel blessed to be a part of it.”

Kathy can identify with Lois Lane’s outgoing, social character. “I’m a ‘people person’,” she says, “and I am basically ‘on stage’ every day in my profession of elementary librarian. I must be dramatic as I read stories or do my storytelling.” Kathy likes to perform with LCT, so the “aspiring actress” aspect of Lois comes easily to her. Her favorite song, “Tom, Dick, or Harry” has been a fun song-and-dance routine to learn, and has brought a lot of laughs to rehearsals; and then there’s the the “broom chase” scene with Cris Stambaugh. Kathy and Cris may be the best of friends in real life, but in “Kiss Me, Kate” they play a pair of competitive actresses, and volatile sisters in the Shakespearean portion of the show. Kathy enjoys acting opposite Tyler, “a very nice young man,” who “makes me laugh--sometimes when I shouldn’t,” she says. “This show will demonstrage that Shakespeare can be fun!

“Kiss Me, Kate” will be held in the West Perry High School Auditorium March 23, 24, 30, and 31 at 7:30 p.m., with a 2:00 p.m. matinee on March 31.

More photos from a recent practice of LCT's Kiss Me Kate

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By Carson E. R. Holman

The motto of Lionism is “To Serve.” Through the Lions Community Theatre (LCT), the New Bloomfield Lions Club tries to serve our community in two ways: (1) To provide quality theatre, and (2) To contribute money to charitable organizations.

Since not all of us can go to Broadway, the Lions Community Theatre tries to bring a touch of Broadway to Perry County. Since 1971, LCT has produced 36 shows. It takes a lot of people to put on a show. For the 36 shows, there have been 1131 actors on stage. The production staffs for these shows totalled 3,205 people. Over 47,000 patrons have seen the shows. Most people agree the musical shows have been the most popular.

These LCT shows bring in a lot of money. The gross profit over the years is over $316,000, and the net profit is over $190,000. All of this net profit goes to charitable organizations. Since the main project for Lions Club International is to serve the blind, some of the proceeds from LCT goes to such organizations as Pennsylvania Eye Bank, BeaconLodge Camp for the Blind, Eye Research Foundation, and the Leader Dog Program. Most of the money from the LCT stays right here in Perry County for such organizations as the Boy Scouts, Midget Baseball, Halloween Parade, Easter Egg Hunt, Eye Glasses for Needy Persons, Sunday Paper for Perry Village, Community Swimming Pool, Community Tennis Courts, Library, Fire Company and Commencements for West Perry High School students.

The New Bloomfield Lions Club wants to continue “To Serve” Perry County by raising money for charity and by providing quality theatre.

CAST & ORCHESTRA for LCT's Kiss Me Kate

The cast includes:

Lilli Vanessi/Katharine.......Cris Stambaugh
Fred Graham/Petruchio.......Rick Smiley
Bill Calhoun/Lucentio .......Tyler McCarty
Lois Lane/Bianca .......Kathy Miller
Harry Trevor/Baptista .......Dennis Ranck
Gangster #1/Katharine’s Aide .......John Sanderson
Gangster #2/Katharine’s Aide .......Norm Harrison
Pops/Priest .......Mel Davis
Flynt/1st Suitor .......Steve Todd
Riley/2nd Suitor .......Nathan Mohler
Fred’s Dresser/Musician .......Duane Wright
Lilli’s Dresser .......Martha Holman
General Harrison Howell/Stagehand .......Chuck Zemo
Stage Manager/Villager .......Patrick Guyer
Haberdasher/Villager .......Rebekah Ranck
Stagehand .......James Deimler
Dance Captain/Villager .......Sandy Stilp
Inn Waitress/Villager .......Anna Bixler
Wardrobe Assistant/Villager .......Amy Furry
Driver/Musician .......Rachele Sohn
Flower Lady/Villager .......Suzanne Twilley

Orchestra members include:

Wanda Beaver....... Piano
Doug Davey ....... Flute/Piccolo
Marlene McPherson ....... Flute
Eleanor Boyer ....... Clarinet
Gloria McPherson ....... Clarinet/Bass Clarine
Tammy Alwine ....... Saxophones
Roxann Wallace ....... Bassoon/Saxophones
Ken Bair ....... Trumpet
Richard Brunner ....... Trumpet
Joe Lendvay ....... Trombone
David Dishong ....... Horn
Monica Wright ....... Violin/Synthesizer
Mondie Cunningham ....... Violin/ Synthesizer
Tom Wolfe ....... Cello/ Synthesizer
Wendy Brunner ....... Harp/Synthesizer
Kirby Kitner ....... Tuba
Patrick Schropp ....... Percussion
Jim Stimmel .......Acoustic Bass

Officers for 2006-2007

Pres. John Sanderson
1 st V. Pres. Kim Hummel
2nd V. Pres. Steve Hege
3rd V. Pres. John Long
Treas. Reed hoffman

Sec. Warren Ely
Tail Twister Nathan Mohler
Lion Tamer Chad Chanot
Mem. Ch. Dave McCluskey

Board of Directors
Alan Fry
Phil Eckert
Norm Harrison
Sam Murray
Red Adams

Lions hard at work squeezing lemons for the lions lemonade fund raiser at the 2006 Bloomfield Street Fair.

Lion Durbie Wagner and Brooks Berrier provide music entaintment for the 2006 Bloomfield Street Fair.

LCT's Kiss Me Kate

Show Times
March 23, March 24, March 30, 2007 7:30pm show time.

March 31, 2007 2:00pm Matinee and 7:30pm.

West Perry High School Auditorium;

Ticket Prices for 2007:

Adults; $12.00
Students; $6:00

Tickets are available at Bloomfield Pharmacy, PDS Loysville, and Perry County Council of the Arts, on the square in Newport.

Tickets also will be available at the door, prior to each performance

Durbin Wager

Rick Lamb

Music Director
Baird Collins

.Seating Chart.

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